Learn foundational principles related to the brain’s structure, functioning, and development, especially related to relationships and stress, in order to better create, through definite actions, a conducive learning environment.
Provides in-depth exploration of universal factors of success: character traits and ways of thinking that can be fostered and developed through guidance and practice that enable people to triumph over adversity and behave with integrity when faced with problems.
Through this course, participants gain and sharpen skills and tools to develop practical classroom management strategies that are both imbued with the principles of Restorative Justice and contextualized to their classrooms.
Trauma can greatly affect students' ability to learn. But through trauma-informed instruction, teachers and other education professionals can be factors of healing toward success, despite these odds. This course guides educators through a paradigm shift, toward deeper understanding, heightened sensitivity, and increased efficacy in teaching students affected by trauma.
This course explores and informs upon the impermissible gaps our students face based on linguistic backgrounds, socio-economic levels, gender, race, and other factors. Gain a renewed conviction as well as an enriched repertoire of strategies that will increase equity in and through education.
Learn to integrate the critical component of formative assessment into your teaching practices to support students’ mastery of ALL academic standards and provide quality instruction. Build up your understanding, knowledge-base, and repertoire of techniques and strategies related to formative assessment. If you care about providing quality instruction, this course is a must for every K-12 educator!
Learn effective ways in welcoming, including, and partnering with students’ families throughout the year to support each child’s success in school and beyond!
"It's Personal! Personalizing Instruction & Learning" identifies the need for and characteristics of personalized instruction and learning, as well as definite approaches and strategies tot implement more personalizing practices in one's classroom.
Learn to effectively create and maintain BRAVE SPACES in your classroom to foster mutual understanding and respect for one another as well as the ability to address current issues that we face as a society.