We’ve all had that moment in our classroom where the projector was not working, our laptop power went out or decided now was a good time to run updates, the internet connection was down, or our computer just plain froze. Here are the steps to take when this happens: 1) Use this as a teachable moment to your students by saying “Although things are not working well right now, let’s think about this together and try to figure out a solution”. 2) First, what is the problem – (then allow students to answer). 3) What is the solution – allow them to answer. 4) Take a deep breath – since by this time you are probably wanting to throw the computer against the wall. 5) Start with the basics and work your way up the ladder by saying: first I wonder if turning it off and on will help, second, I wonder if I really need this technology right now – or would I do better just moving on, next, lets try asking a teacher next door, or calling our technical expert, and lastly consider if you want to have a student help you.