Learn and practice implementing project-based learning in your classroom.
Learn about and put into practice a proven effective instructional approach for preparing our students not just to face the real world, but to make it better! Project-Based Learning: Connecting Classrooms to the Real World offers teachers a convincing argument for implementing project-based learning (PBL) in their classrooms to promote success in academia, in future professions, and in life. Teachers will be equipped with practical tools and resources to take steps toward, or even fully dive into, a research-proven more satisfying and effective way to teach.
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Credits and Registration Instructions
Please check with your school district or local authority on whether the kind of credit this course provides can be used towards meeting your professional development, salary differential, or credential renewal needs.
For questions and group rates, email support@quikitech.com.
Customer Review
“I thoroughly enjoyed this class. Feedback was thorough and quick. The assignments were engaging and challenging.” “I will use the knowledge gained from this class to formulate essential questions and collaborative projects across content areas.”